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Member Since 20 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2009 07:52 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BGT-WeiDU v0.99 ZETA Compatibility

27 January 2006 - 08:54 AM

how many times do i have to run the gui switcher uninstall(installing all the mods in the list prior to gui switcher line)

In Topic: Can't Finish Part 2

26 January 2006 - 08:51 AM

I ended up trying to CLUA some of the dialogs from your BHPELL file, and I ended up with one that brought up the correct dialog. So I guess I solved it myself.

BTW. GREAT MOD! I enjoyed it very much.



Could anybody please post the correct dialog clua here?

In Topic: Bug: Cannot leave Garotten castle

26 January 2006 - 08:10 AM

I have the same problem - cannot leave Garroten Castle? Is there any trigger to it? I basically killed everyone aggressive and left the guards. Found some documents also..

In Topic: jet'laya newbie problem

23 January 2006 - 04:22 AM

hmm, it seems now i am supposed to meet some little girl and be transported to the mayors house.. didnt happed. Girl didnt come. Altough i got congrats from that mayors assistant and some weird fellow told me something happed to mayor just as i was on my way from the dragon, still on the same map..

Its a bug definitely, because after i picked up othos mace(not knowing what esle to do), Elminster showed up, changed the mace and sent me to Lathander. There, they turned it into undead slayer, the comment to the weapon my charactermade was something along the line: Now, we are confident to save the child - alas, i didnt receive that quest:(

Perhaps if you could tell me console code to summon her or tell me where/when is she to be found..

In Topic: jet'laya newbie problem

23 January 2006 - 03:12 AM

Hello, i seem to have quite peculiar problem. My Jet'Laya quest started normally, i travelled to dsc001, dsc002(phantoms - observed them for a while, they just fight nothing changes) and then travelled north - location dsc4. There were few weak undeads, some cabin in southern part with wraith and thats it. No cavern to explore, nothing to do. What should i do, where should i go?

You should find a banshee (jetlaya's sister) in the north-western part of the screen. She is between the high rocks (like where you find the 4 half ogres in normal BG area). BUT be sure you go there around midnight.


Indeed, something is there round hour 21, thanks.