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Member Since 13 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2006 12:32 AM

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help... i cant get oldman to talk to me? 1st area

20 January 2006 - 05:55 PM

i have installed a fresh copy of bg1 and 2 then installed the trilogy and had an error during install *(see bellow)* anyway it come up fine at the end of the 4 part install....i loaded it and when to very start of game (candle keep) so i go all over candle keep and go up to my old man...and he doesnt want to chat so i can leave the 1st area. have i done something to offend him i dont know and i have only 100 exp and no other mods have been done....anyone help

BGT/Backup/0/AREALINK.2DA] loaded, 5095 bytes
Restoring backed-up [BGT/Backup/0/chitin.key]
[BGT/Backup/0/chitin.key] loaded, 590551 bytes
Deleting [GUIlist/3/startold.mos] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/3/start25.mos] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/3/start.mos] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/3/START.chu] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/3/start.bam] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/3/guiverb.mos] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/3/GUIOPT.chu] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/2/startold.mos] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/2/start25.mos] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/2/start.mos] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/2/START.chu] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/2/start.bam] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/2/guiverb.mos] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [GUIlist/2/GUIOPT.chu] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [Setup-GUI.exe] (to restore original game condition)
Deleting [Setup-GUI.tp2] (to restore original game condition)
Uninstalled 263 files for [SETUP-BGT-MAIN.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Sys_error("BG1D/IMOEN2Ja.D: No such file or directory")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-BGT-MAIN.DEBUG to Ascension64, King Diamond, Waywocket, and Yacomo
[English] has 5 top-level TRA files
[BGT/Language/English/setup.tra] parsed
[BGT/Language/English/setup.tra] has 204 translation strings
[BGT/Language/English/dialog.tra] parsed
[BGT/Language/English/dialog.tra] has 28 translation strings
[BGT/Language/English/journal.tra] parsed
[BGT/Language/English/journal.tra] has 826 translation strings
[BGT/Language/English/scripts.tra] parsed
[BGT/Language/English/scripts.tra] has 25 translation strings
[BGT/Install/bg1.tra] parsed
[BGT/Install/bg1.tra] has 24124 translation strings

Install Component [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core]
[Y]es or [N]o or [Q]uit?
