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Bill Bisco

Member Since 09 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2022 09:57 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Notes, Oddities and Possible Bugs in My BWP Game (Spoilers)

04 November 2016 - 07:28 AM

Mcbaldur.  Could we have some screenshots of your final party?  Their stats, items, etc.   I am immensely curious!

In Topic: Simple way to Convert BAM file to an image file

02 September 2016 - 05:29 PM

Thank you for your reply Argent.  I did not catch the Export button being in an entirely different place.  I thought that such a feature would be in the BAM Convertor Secction in Tools.


As a feature request, it would be nice to be able to export Arbitrary BAM Files as BMP or PNG instead of having to have them in the directory.  It would be nice if the BAM Exporter Button Was Right next to the Save BAM Button.  The Tools themselves allow grabbing BAM files outside of the NearInfinity Installation.


I really appreciate your help.  I will now struggle through making the Gold in the Armor to Black in GIMP



In Topic: Simple way to Convert BAM file to an image file

29 August 2016 - 05:39 PM

Thank you Argent.


How do you get the gray save output file enabled?




When selecting the Options to modify the BAM colors, it's hard to find a tool that will help easily do what I want it to do.  I just want to change the GOld in the Image above to Black?


I looked at your link above.  How do I save these frames as images?