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Member Since 21 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active May 21 2008 06:33 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: How does it compare to BG?

21 May 2008 - 06:05 AM

If you cant stand horrible resolution dont play IWD1...

If it's only resolution that bugs you, just use the Widescreen Mod. :cheers:

IWD is capable of supporting higher resolutions WITHOUT the Widescreen mod.  Open the configuration program and check a box called "Unlock Unsupported Resolutions" (or something similar).  The game is beautiful at 1024x768.

Also, the IWD spell system is superior to the BG (and BG2) spell system (you can cast Cause Light Wounds, baby!).  The casting graphics are superior as well.

The portrait art, landscape, and soundtrack are excellent (and, imo, better than BG).

You'll have to do without kits and joinable-NPCs (as mentioned by others, NPC mods for IWD do exist).

In summary, the game is worthwhile and exceeds BG (and BG2, too) in several respects.


In Topic: Morrow Gate: New Release Available

12 May 2008 - 06:22 AM

Morrow Gate v0.9D is available for download! See the updated readme above, or visit my forum at RPGD.

My apologies for forgetting to update this thread.


That component is labeled as beta because it is in need of update. It overwrites certain files instead of patching them and could use some internal improvement. However, the component DOES work as intended (I've played it several times myself). The only real problem with it (that I'm aware of) is that it might overwrite other changes to the circus tent/tower. It's very fun, and contains some great dialogue (well, okay, that's just my opinion ;)).

Here is a description:

Description of [Better Business: Kalah] component:

The current release includes a preliminary version of Better Business: Kalah. If you wish to use this component, do not install the Kalah And What He Was Promised component of Unfinished Business.

Under this component, an Evil character has the following additional options:

a.) trade Aerie to Kalah (if Aerie is in the party)

b.) threaten Kalah but question why Kalah and CHARNAME should be enemies

Aerie becomes Kalah's slave if traded to him.

In either case, the character gains the Ring of Human Influence and Kalah's goodwill. Kalah's Tower becomes permanent, and the character may use the location as a stronghold.

Good characters should not notice any difference when completing the quest (except for a very slightly more difficult fight with Kalah).

Tower Guardian Quest [Better Business: Kalah]: A simple stronghold quest in which Kalah gives you a bindstone and tells you the location of Thaxll'ssillyia the Shadow Dragon. If the bindstone is in your possession when you bring the creature to 1/3 of its health, you can force the beast to abandon the Shade Lord and become the Tower's bridge guardian.

The party gains 22,000 XP for completion of the quest (gained when the party returns to the Tower and speaks with Kalah; this is the same amount of XP the party would have gained for slaying Thaxll'ssillyia). The party does not gain the 3,200 gold or the Shadow Dragon Scales that it would have gained for slaying Thaxll'ssillyia. Instead, Kalah has prepared a gift for CHARNAME: Shadowpact Armor +6 (similiar to Shadow Dragon Scale +6 but has +75% Resistance to Acid and +25 Hide in Shadows). Conceptually, the armor is a combination of the Shadow Dragon Scale +6 and the stealth enhancing armors such as The Night's Gift.

Future releases will include:

a.) more stronghold quests for Kalah's Tower

b.) the revelation of Kalah's Master

In Topic: Artist Rights

22 April 2008 - 08:11 AM

Why do so many people despise Americans in particular? People have been greedy, jealous, and violent since the dawn of recorded history. It is not unique to America. Do you have any idea how twisted Europe's torrid history is? Americans don't suck. People suck.

Btw, I completely agree that American law and society are flawed (I could rant and rave for hours about things that piss me off here, but I'll save you the grief). But I doubt that things are much better anywhere else.


In Topic: Questions

20 April 2008 - 09:43 PM

I always suspected that Banana and its creator were the darkest kind of evil... :lol:

:huh: Terribly sorry, I am sure you mean well, but I have no clue what you are talking about...

Ah, just a friendly joke. You mentioned that theacefes is a member of your team. She created the Banana NPC mod if I'm not mistaken. ;)


In Topic: Questions

18 April 2008 - 05:04 AM


Thanks for the update!

I always suspected that Banana and its creator were the darkest kind of evil... :lol: