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Captain Spider

Member Since 21 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2009 02:40 AM

Topics I've Started

What mod's to install? Why not have a pinned poll in every mod fo

05 May 2006 - 10:12 AM

Each time I return to play Baldur's Gate, I get frustrated with the amount of mods one has to test, research, and explore. Often, the game becomes ridiculously difficult from the hop (Improved Battle's Illych), or so item driven, rather than character driven, that one wonders why anybody has to work when they could sell all those +5 swords of slaying lying around. Some mods would keep fedex busy for a month; some let you have strange encounters with alien vegetable in strange places; some modify scripts, areas and items for the better, making the game a whole knew experience.

The sample poll above, perhaps, with a little attention from you more experience players, can begin an in spellhold evaluation system whereby the poll is pinned to each mod forum, there to be voted on by those who have actually played, loved, hated, and generally tested it. Then others could get a quick idea of what testers have voted on, or have clarified in the posts below the poll, and decide for themselves more easily what's right for them - for their style of play.

So, for example... The Big Picture might get from lots of voters Game Balance 4, Immersion 4, and New Game 5..... (just an example). This would tell other players that yes, this mod doens't make the game too easy or too hard, doesn't detract from the game's theme, and that it adds a whole lot of difference to the original game.

A quick guide without having to trawl through endless readmes and mod forums.

I hope this makes sense..... put your ideas down - will it work, how can it be improved....


Captain Spider of the Gnome Dance.

(Note: to non spellhold mods, a special poll area might be used, with polls for each of those mods.)

(Also, not all mods would require three questions... eg.... the make over mods like baldur's goth and one pixel production... might only need 1.)

How to choose what mods to install....

03 May 2006 - 05:39 PM

Each time I return to play Baldur's Gate, I get frustrated with the amount of mods one has to test, research, and explore.  Often, the game becomes ridiculously difficult from the hop (Improved Battle's Illych), or so item driven, rather than character driven, that one wonders why anybody has to work when they could sell all those +5 swords of slaying lying around.  Some mods would keep fedex busy for a month; some let you have strange encounters with alien vegetable in strange places; some modify scripts, areas and items for the better, making the game a whole knew experience.

The sample poll above, perhaps, with a little attention from you more experience players, can begin an in spellhold evaluation system whereby the poll is pinned to each mod forum, there to be voted on by those who have actually played, loved, hated, and generally tested it.   Then others could get a quick idea of what testers have voted on, or have clarified in the posts below the poll, and decide for themselves more easily what's right for them - for their style of play.

Then less time, perhaps, would be spent trawling through old links to try and find the best mod to use.  And Oh!- So much less time spent installing, reinstallling, and slaying those nasty alien vegetables who like to take you to those oh - so very strange places.

I hope this makes sense.....


Captain Spider of the Gnome Dance.

(Note: to non spellhold mods, a special poll area might be used, with polls for each of those mods.)

PS.. this post might need to be put somewhere else... for other reader's attention?

Are the armour changes proving to be balanced?

03 May 2006 - 10:08 AM

Hi guys, just about to install... but have to wonder..

are you finding the armour and shield changes to be balanced?
Do they make the game a little tougher, easier.. more interesting?


PS... as 3.5 edition offers a feat to allow druid to cast spells while in feral form, are you considering doing this for druids... maybe as an high lvl ability?

The most immersive, balanced build....

03 May 2006 - 09:56 AM

Hi, there seems to be so much out there already... and from the past, installing as many mods as you can sometimes umbalances the game...

so, what would you include in a BP based game....that keeps the game
         balanced (even reasonably tougher) ... and not including too many outrageous weapons that make the                                    
         game about the weapon rather than the character

         and immersive... keeps with the feeling of roleplaying.. less cheese, more colour

Anyway, remember.. what mods would you suggest?

V8 Seanas?

03 May 2006 - 08:23 AM

Sorry to ask, but as I'm about to install, how long will the v8 patch be?

Just to see if I should wait a little longer....

and to avoid posting twice: how has BP changed the shapeshifter - if at all - the druid class?
