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Member Since 06 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2009 10:23 PM

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In Topic: Bug Report for 0.45

28 March 2008 - 07:19 PM

Apologies if this has been posted before.

Wanted to highlight a possible bug I encountered while trying to get Blush in my party. So here's the story:

1) Rescued Aesdale from the ship and returned to Saltmarsh.
2) Reported to Saltmarsh Captain and was asked to return later for a meeting.
3) Went to Elence's shop - Aesdale departs for date with Blush.

Herein lies the bug:

4) Rested at inn, then went to see Saltmarsh Captain.
5) Returned to inn (upper level) and met Aesdale. However, Blush was not present, hence the full dialogue could not take place. Aesdale re-joins the party, but not Blush (naturally).

I realised that if I had went to pick up Aesdale before seeing the Saltmarsh Captain, both him and Blush would be at the inn's upper level and I would be able to recruit both of them into the party.