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Member Since 28 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2005 05:03 AM

Topics I've Started

Throne of Bhaal crash @ "Door #1"

12 November 2005 - 08:38 PM

Before I begin, installed mods:
Weidu TDD 1.5 w/ latest patch
Weidu SoS 1.5 w/ latest patch
Weidu Ascencion (sp?) latest version
Weidu Redemption 1.02

I beat SoA and go straight into ToB. After I talk to Sarevok and he opens up "door #1" (the challenge that starts with the fat guy bhaalspawn and ends up being a ladder gauntlet) and I kill the last of the drow, the game crashes. It doesn't matter who kills what or how what dies, as soon as the last drow falls the game locks up.

Never had such a problem before in SoA.

Another TDD Problem

10 November 2005 - 08:19 AM

So I'm taking the Riatvin main quest and take off from Riatvin for the Athlaka city gates. I get jumped by some low level goons, continue my trip. As soon as I arrive, I get the cutscene where the five wizards in the government building work some voodoo and kill off my CHARNAME.

Now I've read the TDD walkthrough, and it says I'm supposed to be going to the city gates anyway. This also happens with everywhere else I go after I leave the guardhouse in Riatvin (all I did after that was stop by the town forge and do the cleric mini quest thing in the middle of town and break into somebody's house), whether it be the government district or some other town. Help definitely appreciated.

Getting Her Knapsack Out of my Backpack

09 November 2005 - 03:41 PM

I get Selence. I take her to the graveyard stronghold. I kick her out. She leaves her unremovable, unidentifiable knapsack in my hero's backpack. I want to take it out but can't. I want to sell it but can't. I want a way to remove it, but can't find a way. Help appreciated.

Benog's Truth: an axe so uber it crashes the game

04 November 2005 - 08:33 PM

Weidu SoS v.1.5

There's an axe Selence fenced and is selling, the one that confers +1 AC, some radical damage, and a 10% chance to stun

what she forgot to tell me was on 7 out of 10 successful swings, the axe will lock up the game; it doesn't matter who I'm swinging it, but it does apply to everything I have swung at with it

the axe is so scary even I don't want to use it  :lol:  :huh:  

although I still get by w/ my trusty axe from De'Arnise Hold, it'd be nice if someone could figure out how to fix it :D

SoS Militia Quest Bug

02 November 2005 - 04:46 PM

Using the new Weidu SoS + TDD 1.5 packages + latest fixes only (basically what KD has in his sig area)

Its the 2nd quest of the militia missions in SoS where you get recruited into the militia and are sent off to patrol some raided farmhouses; the primary objective is to look for any survivor(s)

the good news: I killed everybody :lol: and found a survivor named Charlie

the bad news: he's stuck in the white trees and I can't talk to him or get anywhere near him, so I'm literally stuck on the mapset for all eternity :woot:

help appreciated, obviously :D