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Member Since 23 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2005 01:38 AM

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In Topic: Installation Problem - Bonehill2.0 Tutu

26 September 2005 - 01:38 AM

Inititally it didn't work as at the Tutu/BGT conditional arguement you had the BEGIN and THEN BEGIN arguement around the wrong way. I swapped them and it now works fine. The corrected file is attached.

My own preference would be to remove the automatic check and ask the user for their input on whether they have Tutu or BGT. This way Bonehill2.0 would no longer be reliant on specific files of Tutu or BGT and should make it more resilient for future upgrades.

In Topic: Installation Problem - Bonehill2.0 Tutu

24 September 2005 - 02:28 PM

Version 6 of Tutu is still in beta. I fully appreciate the diffuclty in trying to maintain compatability with other 'modifications'. I would recommend that you include a note in your readme to mention that if running Tutu the user will need to utilise the Water Degreener fix as this is what generates the BIF files. If they do not use the water degreener the BIF files will not be generated and Bonehill2.0 will never recognise that it is operating under Tutu.

I have just started a new game of BG1 under Tutu and now look forward to playing Bonehill2.0. Thanks for the adventure and your assistance. Keep up the good work.

In Topic: Installation Problem - Bonehill2.0 Tutu

23 September 2005 - 09:40 PM

BillyBob you pointed me in the right direction. I have now identified that (for me at least) Tutu v6 does not work with Bonehillv2 as it does not create the FW0000.bif file in the data directory. The first file it created was FW0002.bif.

However Tutu v4 AND then running TutuFixv13 AND choosing the water degreener option does create the FW0000.bif file in the data directory.

I trust this information will be of use in ensuring that Bonehill2.0 retains it's flexibility in terms of the 'versions' that support it.


In Topic: Installation Problem - Bonehill2.0 Tutu

23 September 2005 - 05:30 AM

Thanks for the prompt response.

I installed the file as advised and ran the setup program again and it failed at the same point. I appears that during the setup for some reason it tries to perform a BGT install rather than Tutu install(?!?), refer to the attached debug report. Any ideas on what may be prompting this?

Your assistance is appreciated.