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Member Since 20 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2018 01:33 PM

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In Topic: [BGEET Megamod - Bug] Anomen's Knighthood won't trigger.

24 April 2018 - 11:09 AM

Was Sirene in your party before (BG1 or SoD)?
C:GetGlobal("StartTrial","GLOBAL") if it is 2 talk to the prelate thereafter to Ryan.

Thanks. I actually did not know i had to talk to the Prelate. I was under the assumption that entering the building would trigger the cutscene. Regardless i had to set the Global to 2 as the Global was not present at all.

With regards to Sirene, if i had her in my party it was for just a moment (As in, recruiting and instantly removing).

Sirene - In this case it might be possible that her parting dialogue was not triggered correctly. It looks like she is stuck with the wrong dialogue file.
Try this
It might help. Otherwise post a savegame that includes the temple visit.
It would be a shame to miss Sirene, she is one of the best NPCs ever - that means something for a paladin...

Thanks. That worked as well :)

You mention she is a really good NPC. Would you have other NPC recommendations?

In Topic: [BGEET Megamod - Bug] Anomen's Knighthood won't trigger.

23 April 2018 - 10:32 PM

Was Sirene in your party before (BG1 or SoD)?
C:GetGlobal("StartTrial","GLOBAL") if it is 2 talk to the prelate thereafter to Ryan.
Thanks. I actually did not know i had to talk to the Prelate. I was under the assumption that entering the building would trigger the cutscene. Regardless i had to set the Global to 2 as the Global was not present at all.

With regards to Sirene, if i had her in my party it was for just a moment (As in, recruiting and instantly removing).

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

01 April 2018 - 12:37 AM

Moved it into another folder and still getting the same error. It's now on F:\Games\BG1

Did you start the game, there ?
This is because if the game doesn't know where it's "located", the file that tells this info is created during the first start into the users profile files in Windows ... and the .bif's can only be extracted with that knowledge. So if you relocate the game, it can't, cause it's not provided with that info.


Moved it into another folder and still getting the same error. It's now on F:\Games\BG1

Do you really start from a clean install? Did you use modmerge at the first thing before you started modding or even started BWS?

I'm now reinstalling from scratch. I had used the backup function a couple of times and maybe there was a problem with the install. I'll edit this post if this fixes the issues.

EDIT: Indeed the problem was my install, downloading everything again from Steam fixed the issue.

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

01 April 2018 - 12:25 AM

Moved it into another folder and still getting the same error. It's now on F:\Games\BG1

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

31 March 2018 - 11:52 PM

Ok, so here is the full log file for that error with Dark Horizons. If you need anything more just ask
