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Member Since 25 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 13 2006 12:09 AM

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In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

06 September 2005 - 01:02 AM

Uhmm well when I installed the module I followed the instructions to patch it with the prc and the cep updates. The errors are scripting errors I know enough scripting to know that. I downloaded the latest regular Nordock and saw that there are a lot of areas that arent in the plagued version. The crypst I mentioned should link to an area called The Bone Passage. Another scrypting error is with the brosna binding stone and possibly the other binding stones too. When they check to see if you have a stone they do a party check so if anyone in your party has a bindstone it thinks you have one. I think that replacing "CheckPartyForItem" with "HasItem" will fix this problem.  This are are bugs that are easily fixed they just need to be found and mentioned.

In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

04 September 2005 - 06:39 PM

The crypts in Benzor River Valley have a broken transition this area is called Benzor River Valley - Weznor Crypt and there is a door that should lead to Weznorcryptseastexit but  the transition is broken and I don't see any other Weznor Crypts.

In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

29 August 2005 - 02:36 PM

Here is another annoyance, my CNR recipes keep growing, I think it is the Field Medic book, every time I use it it shows more pages of the same things. I just don't know how to fix that

In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

25 August 2005 - 05:17 PM

The easiest way to do this is to edit the conversation file buildchar. Add a line where you want them to be able select to "By-pass Character Re-creation" add a small script to that line that will give the PC 1xp.

What I would like to see is someone to edit it so you can save skill points for next levels the way it is now it forces you to use them all.