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Member Since 19 Nov 2002
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2009 09:42 AM

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In Topic: Talk to Imoen

08 August 2003 - 06:29 PM

LOL... Yea, I miss those times too. (Chuckles softly...) Well, someone had to give the guards a run for their money. While you were busy *sneaking* trouble and trying to blame it on me - and usually succeeding I might add - at least *I* was trying to keep the guard in shape. You know... run around naked, see how fire reacts to small piles of oil soaked hay... makes lots of smoke - and for some reason, they seemed to worry about the library when I did that. Besides, Gorion needed the excercise too. He just spent entirely too much time behind those tomes of his. Hmmm, though knowing him, it was probably for us... and this damned prophecy.

(One eye starts to water and I wipe it with the back of my hand.) By the gods... WHY do you have to remind me? I can see why Durlag went crazy. Do you know what my last thought of Candlekeep is? Us slaying our friends... those forsaken shapeshifting bastards brought in by Sarevok. And it hasn't stopped since. And the worst part of it right now... death isn't even a release... it's a sentence. Some days all that keeps me goin' is the fact I may get some revenge on some power that caused this... but even it we manage to do that... then what?

(Looks down, then mutters...) Some days I wish I could be more like you...

In Topic: Friendship Talk Ideas

21 March 2003 - 06:23 AM

Hmmm, I think it would be interesting to find out why she gave up on thieving and decided to study magic.  I know quite a few people probably dualled her in BGI, but I think it could make for some interesting conversation to hear it from Imoen's perspective.  I know her ability scores sort of encourage her being a mage, but she just doesn't seem to be the type to sit and study (though she does make a comment in Irenicus' dungeon that leads you to believe you were one cutting classes, not her).  

My idea of a mage can be visualized in a scene from the first Lord of the Rings movie - the part where Gandalf is reading through dusty tomes to try to discover if Bilbo's ring was Sauron's Ring of Power.  Yes, there is a time to put your knowledge into action, but the researching just doesn't seem like Imoen to me.

Yes but you also have to think about the mechanics of the creators, they were trying to move a 2nd edition game into a 3rd edition format. Since you cannot dual class a thief into a sorcerer, you have to go with the next best thing. I tend to think of Imoen as more of a sorcerer than a mage myself, but given game mechanics you have to go by the rules. In addition, not all mages are dust covered researchers. Take for example Milamber AKA Pug from the Rift War Saga. There were times when he researched but mostly he lived for the adventure.

True, not all mages are dust covered researchers. But, perhaps from the PC's perspective, they just may be that - well at least at the beginning of BGI. He lived in a library. People came to read and study. I'm not sure he / she would have seen Gorion throwing a lot of power around for the sake of throwing it around.

I guess the more I think about it, perhaps a bard would have been more appropriate for Imoen? Combines the magic, the affinity to cut a purse here and there (if she could get away with it :rolleyes: ), and Imoen's "girls just want to have fun" kind of attitude.

But, she ain't a bard. I still think it would be interesting to further discuss her choice to pursue magic. It just doesn't seem like Imoen to me. I don't know, mages just seem to have an intensity about them that she doesn't have. They also seem to take themselves quite seriously while Imoen seems a bit more, shall we say, down to earth? (I know, more generalizations about mages. :D )

In Topic: Friendship Talk Ideas

19 March 2003 - 10:18 AM

Hmmm, I think it would be interesting to find out why she gave up on thieving and decided to study magic. I know quite a few people probably dualled her in BGI, but I think it could make for some interesting conversation to hear it from Imoen's perspective. I know her ability scores sort of encourage her being a mage, but she just doesn't seem to be the type to sit and study (though she does make a comment in Irenicus' dungeon that leads you to believe you were one cutting classes, not her).

My idea of a mage can be visualized in a scene from the first Lord of the Rings movie - the part where Gandalf is reading through dusty tomes to try to discover if Bilbo's ring was Sauron's Ring of Power. Yes, there is a time to put your knowledge into action, but the researching just doesn't seem like Imoen to me.