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Member Since 12 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2005 03:49 PM

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Would Chloe really want to be friends with my PC?

12 June 2005 - 10:26 PM

Ok first of my  PC is half-elf male ranger so no wanting to stay with me, because she is sexually attracted to me. Now my PC isn't a bible thumper, out to rid the world of homosexuals or anything like that. However he is like The Punisher or Dirty Harry, wanting to destroy all evil, and using the same brutal tactics they use against them. (If you aren't familiar with The Punisher or Dirty Harry an example of my PC's personality would be that he would block of all exits in a drow village, then light it on fire, and if any drow came begging for mercy, he'd push her face into the fire, till she told him some useful information and then kill her) Now my PC still does have a heart, he'll give money to starving children and whatnot. So my question is would Chloe still be a friend to my PC as long as he was a good friend to her, or would she get put off by his tactics in fighting evil?