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Member Since 12 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2005 03:49 PM

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In Topic: Would Chloe really want to be friends with my PC?

13 June 2005 - 07:54 PM

I see that I didn't really describe my PC's personality all that well. I should off been more specific with my example. My PC would under no circumstance kill children or any innocent. I should of been more clear in saying in that my PC would only burn the village after he had gotten all the innocents to safety. Sorry I made the post last night, and I was tired. Still it was a bad example a better one would be that my PC would burn down a drow raiding party's camp, or a bandit stronghold or something similar.

Still, even with me clearing up that under no circumstance would my PC kill children or harm any innocent, I have feeling from pervious posts that my PC and Chloe would not get along.  Anyway again I apologize for not being more clear on the personality of my PC, and thanks for the response posts.