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Member Since 29 May 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2005 11:00 AM

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The Begging Noob

29 May 2005 - 06:47 AM

Hello to all!

I have just found the new Nordock Plagued version, but am having trouble getting it to function.
I had run the classic version for a while, as it was a drop in and play situation. But with this one, I am at a loss. The instructions speak of doing this and that with the assumption that I understand the process' involved to complete those steps.
I must say, all the info on tables, db's, and scripts has me baffled. I have read the instructions, but it translates to the visual equivalent of an adult in the world of Charlie Brown. "Bwah Bwah-bwah Bwah Bwah Bwah".
So I'm appealing to anyone here willing to make the effort to take a lowly newcomer in hand with help on a detailed set of instruction, that I may get this, (from as far as I can tell,) incredible mod working.

Thanks for your time,
