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Member Since 29 May 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2005 11:00 AM

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In Topic: The Begging Noob

30 May 2005 - 09:51 AM

AAAAAAAH, I watch that number steadily creep up. When will help be forthcoming? If ever? What's the ratio? 1 reply to every 40 views?
What a load of crap.

With any due respect, and yes, I know this is all free, but....


I don't care if you're doing this with no pay or not enough people kiss your buttocks, or whatever your hangups are. If you do something like this, make it accessible to the layperson. Others do it without a single complaint, so why can't any of you?

And for those of you who will bash me for not being patient, blah, blah, blah. Kiss my *ss, as you're all just part of the problem. Shame on me that I've spent the last 36 hours trying to get this !#$#%% thing working in the hopes that my kids and I could play. I've been to every F' ing forum, every F'ing link, and every F'ing one assumes that I know the first thing about editing a script. Every F'ing one thinks that I can adjust "inc_Letoscript.nss", when according to my comp, the F'ing thing doesn't F'ing exist. Every F'ing one says to go to the MySQL Command Console, when mine refuses to function.

Tables, scripts, databases. You all bandy about like this is a cakewalk for everyone. You give no BASIC instruction, but say "DO THIS".

What a bunch of Bullsh*t

In Topic: The Begging Noob

30 May 2005 - 08:24 AM

Ok, I got the mod installed and running with characters copied to the servervault folder.
But now my problems continue.
I know all twenty something of you are either just on a break from ending world hunger, or you're waiting for someone to answer your posted questions. But it sure would be nice if someone would take a few minutes to help out.

So, have it working, running on SQlite through the NWNX2. I have not clue one about the database, and I've experienced no long wait times for either new or imported characters.

A. Went to import "functions_include.erf" to the module for NWNX2 functions, but the toolset says it cannot import files with over sixteen characters in the name. SO, I changed it to, "functionsinclude.erf". Could this be causing the below problems, and how do I remedy?

1. Buy a canteen, go to well, use. Message, "You filled the canteen". Proceed to    attempt to use the canteen; message, "The canteen is empty,...." etc. No water = No rest = very frustrating first outing into Nordock.

2. NPC's aren't as chatty as they should be? Guards, Elf Citizens, etc. No one has anything to say. Not even an, "I'm busy, sod off". Is that normal?

3. A whole lot of, "You may not rest at this time". But whether its due to area, or the lack of water is beyond me.

SO, come on and give a hand. This is a great mod, from what little I can see of it. The biggest disappointment is a community that writes all day about how, "Well, in step 16 you have to do this, this, and this; all possible because you did this in step 10. See, it's that simple". And everyone oooh's and aaah's and puckers up to smooch some rump. All the while, those of us who haven't a clue are wondering what happened to steps 1-9. For those of you who might remember "Better Off Dead", I'm definitely feeling like Lane Meyer (John Cusack), in Trig class, where everyone is in on the joke but me.

So for Pete's sake, take a few minutes out of your busy schedule, and help not only me, but everyone who feels  :blink: when faced with going beyond the basic instructions.

Thus endeth the sermon,