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Member Since 24 May 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2009 05:23 PM

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In Topic: Resting

31 May 2005 - 11:14 PM

I've got my NWN database setup, but it looks like the table pwdata has 0 data and has never been updated.   :(


In Topic: Resting

31 May 2005 - 12:59 PM

It looks like my iRestLast is getting set back to zero every time I rest.  Is this a database problem?  The information isn't getting stored correctly in the persistent database?  I think I see where it is supposed to update iRestLast.

  SetPersistentInt(oMod,("LastRest" + GetName(oPC) + GetPCPlayerName(oPC)),nSSB);

but then next time the a rest happens and

int iLastRest = GetPersistentInt(oMOD,("LastRest" + GetName(oPC) + GetPCPlayerName(oPC)));

is executed, iLastRest is back to zero.


In Topic: Resting

31 May 2005 - 12:55 AM

Ok, I see why resting isn't working.
In hc_on_play_rest, there is a function IsTooSoonToRest.
Around line 220 it says:

    if (iRESTSYSTEM && iLastRest && ((iLastRest + iMinRest) > nSSB))
        AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions());
        sRestedText += " Try again in ";
        sRestedText = sRestedText + GetSubString(FloatToString(((fMinRest+fLastRest) - fSSB) / fConv), 6,2)
        + " hours " + IntToString(iMin)+" minutes";
        FloatingTextStringOnCreature( sRestedText, oPC, TRUE);
        nNotOkToRest = 1;

Well, iLastRest is 0 all the time, so this subroutine never gets to run, so nNotOkToRest = 1 never happens because of not waiting enough time.  


In Topic: Resting

30 May 2005 - 11:10 PM

Ok, it was easy to fix the HCR resting to accept the cooked steak and cooked fish.  I just changed line 86 of hc_on_play rest to check for both Food or FOOD.

        if((!FindSubString(GetTag(oEquip),"Food")) ||


In Topic: Resting

30 May 2005 - 09:54 PM

No, I take that back, LIMITEDRESTHEAL is working.  It's just that I can rest over and over with no limits.
As for the food, it must be the difference between the tags, FoodRation and FOOD_NORM -- I just haven't quite parsed it out yet.
