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Member Since 12 Nov 2002
Offline Last Active May 09 2004 11:20 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Using EFF files to create race/class specific item

17 April 2003 - 05:28 PM

Your right, hlid, my IEEP program isnt updated on par with Item Checker, although I cant find the update, and the lastone I had was ver1.0.

In Topic: Armor Colors

17 April 2003 - 02:17 PM

You might try using "rbg" values, just do search for a good color chart off the web and plug in the values.

In Topic: Using EFF files to create race/class specific item

17 April 2003 - 02:13 PM

I'm glad to see you discovered a use for the parameter boxes with the "use effect file" option since they were listed as undetermined. Will make editing items a bit more fun now.

In Topic: I seek help.

15 April 2003 - 05:19 PM

I have no idea how to go about that.

Perhaps you might be enticed into releaseing a few details about your kit? Not to impugn your kit, but even if I had the knowledge to help you out, I would be a little hesitant about volunteering same if your kit were some "Ubermensch"...


As to the kit, it's a Blackguard restricted to Paladin class and chaotic evil alignment.

To all other responses.

I'm aware of the link, thanks, just figured someone could whip it up qucikly for distribution.

In Topic: I seek help.

15 April 2003 - 03:42 PM

C'mon people, there has got to be someone who frequents these forums that is capable of putting a kit in WeiDU format for distribution! Ican tell by the some of the posts alone that there are people capable of this task.