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Member Since 18 May 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 25 2005 10:23 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Server Settings

31 May 2005 - 05:29 AM

,May 31 2005, 07:38 AM]

Level Range: 1 - 40
Player vs. Player: FULL
Character Vault: Server Vault
Only One Party: disabled
Player Pause: disabled
Item Level Restrictions: enabled
Enforce Legal Characters: disabled
Password: not required
Players: 0 / 20

Taken from Fremen Warriors @ House Atreides URL.

@ our server the Item Level Restrictions were DISABLED - should they be ENABLED? :unsure:

If I remember correctly, they were DISABLED in the classic Nordock too ... :unsure:

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I haven't tried it on that server yet but having ILR on will seriously screw with some class abilities, most notably Samurai and his Ancestral Daisho. It's not impossible to create a Vorpal weapon at character level 2 or a Holy Avenger at character level 4 with the right combo of classes. I'm sure ILR would strip that weapon off of either of those two characters. Leave ILR off and use a scripted level restriction scheme if you must. LoCBotO had a very good script based ILR system running and it worked a treat. If they didn't remove the PRC to make the server more "fair" for PvP, I'd still be playing there.

Perhaps I'll create a Sammy on muaddib's server to test it.

edit: Found the scripts here.

In Topic: Epic spells

18 May 2005 - 08:08 AM

Hi 2 all.

Is someone has any problems whith epic spells? Because we have. =)
We have epic spell books. We  research them. But we can't use them. We haven't any slots whis them after research. And when we tried cast some epic spells whith DM's char there crash error out. What's wrong? :online2long:

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Do you have 10+ Lore? Have you added the spells to your radial menu? After you research the spells in the lab, you have to choose Replenish Epic Spells from your spells radial and add the spells you want to use to the radial. Remember, just because you researched the spell and added it to your radial, it doesn't mean you can just cast them willy-nilly. You have to beat the Spellcraft check every time you cast the spell.

About the DM crashing when he tried to use epics, that is a BW bug. If there are more than 8 spells on a radial (DM gets them all) the game will crash. It's a known issue.