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Member Since 05 May 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2013 06:35 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ultimate Planescape: Torment installation guide

14 August 2009 - 03:42 AM

Try disabling hardware acceleration, this fixed all graphical glitches for me.

In Topic: [HELP WANTED] New Animation Slots for BGII

09 August 2009 - 04:44 PM

Gotta ask, what do you mean by adding new animation slots? Do you mean new entries to animate.ids, or ?

In Topic: Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)

04 August 2009 - 04:35 AM

I'm currently plugging my way through the engine code, and found that the dice rolls are slightly skewed towards the high side. It happens because of the way the roll is converted into a range the engine can use. Most assembly code uses values starting at zero so instead of 1-5 it uses 0-4, still the same range just starting at zero instead of 1. Normally to get a random number (dice roll) via assembly is you pass the dice size, we'll say 10 for example, and it generates a random number between 1 and 10, and then subtracts 1 to give 0-9. Still the correct range just converted to something the code can use. Torments dice roll only subtracts the 1 if it goes over the limit of the range, so if it rolls a 10 it does the subtraction but it does not do the subtraction if it comes up a 9, it just keeps the value because it doesn't need to convert it to the range the assembler can use. The way it should be is it subtracts 1 no matter what the result. The net effect is its actually rolling 1D11 and only reducing the amount if it comes up 11, which slightly skews it towards higher values.

EDIT: Meh, forget everything I said, I reanalyzed the code and it works as it should...

In Topic: Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)

30 July 2009 - 02:48 PM

Here's the rest of the ones I found. There are quite a few more, but they are kind of iffy, so I'm only listing the obviously wrong ones. Any idea if there should be sounds associated with bag and crate? If this is something that I can look into?

AR0708 barrow 2 listed as bag
AR0800 container 4 listed as bag
AR0900 container 3, container 4, container 5 listed as bag
AR0902 box 1, box 2 listed as bag
AR1900 campsite listed as bag
AR3007B bed plank listed as bag

In Topic: Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)

29 July 2009 - 11:26 AM

Did not know that, I had assumed those settings were used for sounds too. Perhaps that is a bug as well, or is there supposed to be no sound associated with those containers?

Here's some more, some of these may be fixable (such as a barrel listed as a bag, unless barrels do not make any sound either...)

AR0506 container 3 listed as a bag, but its not a bag
AR0508 spilled jar listed as barrel
AR0702 empty cart listed as a bag
AR0706 barrel 2 listed as a bag