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Member Since 10 Nov 2002
Offline Last Active Aug 14 2004 09:19 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Your opinion of Queen Ellesime

31 December 2003 - 10:02 PM

I find Ellesime arrogant and not as wise as she claims herself to be or as others do; it was this arrogance and naivety of love that made her believe that Joneleth would redeem himself. Deep down, I think she doesn?t understand the meaning of love nor responsibility. If she was truly so responsible or so wise of if she cared about her people; she would of executed Jon.

I think what made me cold to Ellesime was the fact she used past tense when speaking to Joneleth; that she swept everything away of him from her gaze. It bruised her pride and her ego. I would except her to move on, but she seems just as warm as Joneleth to you and towards others..

In Topic: The Taint, the Soul, and the Instinct

17 October 2003 - 10:19 PM

(1) What is exactly Bhaal taint and what is it relationship to your soul?
The taint is Bhaal's life force, it is the agonist to the PC's divinity and wants to corrupt the soul. The divinity protects the soul.

(2) Is your *divinity* and your *taint* one and the same?
Somewhat, the divinity is the light side, the taint is the dark side.

(3) How come Irenicus removes your 'soul' but leaves you the 'instinct' and the Bhaal taint that later 'takes over the void' and produces Slayer?
The instinct is pure chaos (which is friggin odd considering Bhaal's Lawful Evil) and that is something Irenicus does not want nor does he want the taint. Who would want Bhaal's shade bothering them in their dreams all the time? He took the soul and divinity because they were tied together. Perhaps he believed you'd go insane with just the taint and instinct. If you keep turning into the slayer, you eventually do that.

4) How is it that Irenicus is able to assume the Slayer Form himself later on after you have already had it?
The game designers have a lousy definition of irony. :angry:

(5) If you chose to become mortal you give up the divinity and the 'taint' but obviously not the soul - does it mean you give up your 'instinct'?
Your instinct is still intact, however the taint is gone and you no longer become the slayer. You just have your soul and instinct.

(6) If so - what is the point in Jon taking the 'other' part and leaving the instinct to you?
Divinity: So he could become a god.
Soul: Hostage against the PC.

The taint and the divinity is the Bhaalessence.

In Topic: Why Imoen should be romanceable

20 August 2003 - 11:24 AM

Manipulative is a trait that I'll always consider 'evil'.

In Topic: Was Irenicus aware of the dreams you were having?

10 August 2003 - 09:28 PM

Well, greed and selfishness are pretty much the same thing. :D Both test fit both themes.

In Topic: Was Irenicus aware of the dreams you were having?

10 August 2003 - 05:13 PM

Twistingly cute, Tancred! :D

Inspired me... I suppose it should be for a new thread but I already started one post moments before posting this. :P Just suggestions (serious!) on what the themes could of foused on for Irenicus' tests in hell.

-Fear: Dealing with death.
-Selfishness: I guess the simple answer would be a test dealing with the tree of life.
-Greed: Perhaps something that deals with Bodhi? Despite what the game says, Irenicus never struck me as an ?Adam' to Bodhi's 'Eve'.
-Pride: A show down with or a lamination from Elle?
-Wraith: Dealing with the elven gods or dealing with CharName though the PC?s tests never have Irenicus in them. I really don't have a clue for this one. <_<