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Member Since 27 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 13 2010 06:52 AM

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In Topic: BWP 8.3 Nashkel town CTD

11 March 2010 - 04:31 PM

Thanks for the reply, but......i don't know how to "set the code page to english", can you teach me a bit?
thousand thanks


In the Control Panel, look for "Regional & Language Options", open it, and on the "Advanced" tab, there is a dropdown menu that you can choose English as your default non-unicode code page.

In Topic: BWP 8.3 Nashkel town CTD

11 March 2010 - 07:28 AM

you might have to reinstall both aurora and infinity animation again after setting the code page to english, since according to Miloch, some files might not be installed correctly under the chinese code page.

I would suggest to start a new installation again, and I have done it at least 10 times, trying to find out what went wrong with the mods. It's not that bad.

I'll try the utility Miloch mentioned in the post too. thanks a lot,


In Topic: BWP 8.3 Nashkel town CTD

04 March 2010 - 05:43 PM

See if you can do a CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("agkaraea"). If she appears, then it's not animation-related. If it crashes, then Aurora didn't install correctly somehow. That is the only creature we add to Nashkel. Are you using Windows Vista or 7 with the game installed to Program Files by any chance? Also did you have antivirus running while installing?

Can you attach your SETUP-AURORA.DEBUG file too please.

It did crash when creating that creature, so I assume it's to do with the animation. I attached the debug file. And I'm using vista, english version, but I set the non-unicode language as Chinese(Simplified PRC). The animation id of that CRE is "0x5266 SVIRFNEBLIN_DARK_NOAXE", and the prefix of it is 0x5266 µBP CGAMEANIMATIONTYPE_SVIRFNEBLIN_DARK_NOAXE. I think it might have something to do with that special µ character, which was handled differently under Chinese charset.

The game is installed at C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA, and I have Symantec End Point antivirus software installed, version 11.0.5002, but I've set the game directory in the exception list, which will ignore everything under that folder.

Any more information can I provide?

thank you very much!


In Topic: BWP 8.3 Nashkel town CTD

01 March 2010 - 07:21 PM

Well, if you could humour me and reinstall at least the main component of Aurora v5, start a brand new game (again), then do a MoveToArea("ar3700") and try to reproduce the crash and another baldur.err log or (if blank) click on the technical data button when you get a pop-up window. And attach at least your ar3700.are file. If not, I don't know how to address it since I can't reproduce it and no one else has reported it. You can always uninstall it again and continue with your existing game after doing this.

I made another install with all recommended mods without any change (aurora v5 selected), and here is the saved game that will crash when entering Nashkel. It's a new game, and I bypassed Beregost.

I also attached the AR3700 files. But I didn't see the technical data button, I attached the error box, and when I clicked the Debug button, nothing happens.

Anyway, thanks for looking into this.

In Topic: BWP 8.3 Nashkel town CTD

24 February 2010 - 04:55 PM

That is only possible if you have v4, rather than the latest version (v5). Otherwise, it isn't caused by Aurora alone, but by installing Aurora and using a saved game where you've already visited Nashkel, which is what I first suggested might be the problem. What you describe suggests exactly that happened. It says not to do this in the readme (last paragraph in that section). If you're claiming you did start a new game, then attach the saved game that crashes, as well as your ar3700.are and ar3700.bcs files. If you've uninstalled Aurora though, those won't be terribly helpful. Also, Infinity Animations is *not* ok if you did not install its main component. If it doesn't crash there, it probably will somewhere else.

The Aurora I have is v5, downloaded by BWS automatically. I always start a new game after the installation. and I even removed the nashkel flag in the baldur.ini file. but having aurora installed always cause the problem.

Unfortunately, I have installed again without aurora, but included all of the IA components. At least I am able to get into Nashkel now. Since I have lost that error state after the new installation, I couldn't attach game files for you to debug. By the way, ar3700.bcs shouldn't be the cause, since I had tried to replace it with an almost empty script file, but the CTD doesn't go away.