I never understood why gem bags hold 20 while potion cases hold 50. I'm sure everyone has their own ideas on how many items each kind of container should hold. Tactical players probably just want large capacities, while role-players probably want values that seem realistic to them.
How about a little mod that lets you set the capacity for each type of container based on name (bag of holding, gem bag, potion case, scroll case, etc.)? Yes, it can be done by hand with NI, but it is tedious.
How hard would it be to write a.tp2 file to do it? I'm surprised none of yhe big tweak packs have this--or did I miss something?
I decided to build a new run through of BG2 (not EE) with some mods I've never tried before. Chez Irenicus was just fine, it was playing fast and smooth. But now I'm in the Coronet with Nalia added to the party and I've got quite a bit of lag. It could be deArnise, but it could be other mods as well. It looks like maybe script induced stutter.
I'm trying to install stutterdebug to test, but with 2GB RAM and 4GB paging file (though I think XP will only use 2GB of it) the install fails. It's trying to patch ~6000 files and is running out of memory.
Is there a way to mod the .tp2 file to patch the script files in chuncks? Maybe five chuncks say a-e, f-j, etc. And make it so each time setup-stutterdebug is run a chunck can be patched? Same idea as I have to use to install SCS since if I try to install the whole thing in one go I also run out of memory.
I've tried looking through the WieDU documentation but I can't figure out just what the .tp2 is doing and how I should mod it.