Nothing else is needed for commoners and such, but what I have not figured out is how to combine player character animations with equipment overlays, kind of like in the Creature Animation Browser, for exporting as animated GIF.
Is it possible to do so?The latest NI release allows you to export creature animations directly in the Creature Animation Browser as animated graphics. They are exported as animated PNG (APNG) since animations may have more than 256 colors, or may contain special effects. This graphics format is less popular than animated GIF but should still be supported by most browsers and graphics viewers.
You could also export all animation overlays manually. However, the character animation schemes are rather complicated. A good starting point to know more about the format is this page: https://gibberlings3...vatarnaming.htm
And here, friends, we have the importance of turning on auto-updates... the mind boggles at the amount of hours saved if I had done so. This is fantastic news - thank you!