Hey, there!
Somehow, I didn't realise there was a subforum, I feel hella dumb. Anyway, just a short review.
I created an account just to praise Val's writing. I tend to find a lot of modded characters... Overblown? Hammy? Don't know how to describe it, it's not that I necessarily dislike the writing, even, but it feels like - folks needing to have their character stand out immediately, rather than earn a reason you remember them.
Val being a bit in-drawn, having multiple moments where she's flat out wrong, owns up to them - gives more credit to certain characters than the official writers did, and I'm glancing pointedly at Skie, here, aha.
That, and as a lifer bureaucrat, it's nice to see the cowled wizards not portrayed as - automagically evil, because they want to regulate something dangerous and powerful.
Lotta folks figure they'd be the wielders and arbiters of arcane might in the Realms; few imagine they'd be the fishmongers or town criers, let alone adventurers.
... Or that their adventures'd be cut short because they just couldn't cut it.
Anyway, I've a lot more I could say, but I figured since it was sitting at a middle-of-road rating, I'd send something more valuable (I hope!) than a star system click, some kind words and some decent-but-not-great wine for Val, bahaha!..
Thanks for making me remember why I love this series.
Hope you and yours are well out there!
Member Since 20 Jun 2021Offline Last Active Jun 22 2021 12:13 AM