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Member Since 09 May 2021
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2022 05:22 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: NearInfinity

13 November 2022 - 10:54 AM

Thanks for your work.


I'd like to report a small bug concerning NI audio player (when selecting a .wav for example).


When I click (or spam) the play button while some audio line is already played by NI, there is an audio artifact that keep up in the background, like a metronome. Until the app is closed.


This is not necessarily linked to the new release, it is long-lasting (1+ year).


Can anyone reproduce it? Or is it just me, locally (audio driver for example)?

In Topic: What does "Turn you into a pumpkin" mean?

27 September 2022 - 09:31 AM

Is this banter original game content?


Yes, it start with @10866.


@10866  = ~A question to you, Keldorn: Do good knights ever find cause to sing bawdy songs and tell ribald tales around a campfire, or is dourness an inarguable tenet of the Order?~ [YOSHIM55]

In Topic: Call for translations: Dutch, Faroese, Italian, Latin

26 September 2022 - 05:18 PM

It pleases me greatly that someone, somewhere out there has made the likely entirely futile effort to translate a BG mod into Latin, not to mention Faroese.


Yeah, this is just crazy. :D

In Topic: What does "Turn you into a pumpkin" mean?

26 September 2022 - 03:36 PM

Given the prevalence of magic in the Forgotten Realms I'd have assumed this a reasonably literal 'threat', rather than a reference to sleep. Given the phrasing of the sentence and the context of the conversation it feels like a stretch for it to reference sleep at all.


This is fascinating. No, it literally means Keldorn will pray to god that they will turn Yoshimo into a pumpkin (the vegetable)


Thanks a lot! :)


Why is it so fascinating?

In Topic: NearInfinity

07 September 2022 - 11:37 AM

Thank you.


This could reveal really useful, to compare duplicate strings from English to other language. :)