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Member Since 19 Sep 2020
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2020 01:31 AM

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EET SoD map issues and other

19 September 2020 - 12:35 AM

Hello there!

Currently running a multimodded playthrough of EE Saga. My game is heavily modded, Scales of Balance, SCS, CDTweaks, you name it.

Even though BGT Worldmap was not specifcally addressed to EET, I recall it as a fantastic mod for original BG1+BG2 playthrough and having read it's compatible with EET, I gave it a try (right now using 10.2.5 version)

And it is compatible indeed, there aren't gamebreaking issues I ran on so far (in the middle of SoD right now), although...

  1. SoD locations are unnamed. I can still travel to them, the icons are still there, nothing wrong with locations themselves, but when I read that Worldmap is compatible with SoD, I thought locations would be named but alas there's only travel time listed underneath.
  2. City Gates location in BG2 is displayed weird, unlike other locations that follow two-row format (first row, the name of the location, second row the time it takes to reach it). City Gates however look something like:
    Unreachable: (also e and a are squeezed together to the point they look like æ
  3. Something going wrong with Chapters. As I have noticed EET turns the entire saga into a multichapter story, starting with Candlekeep Prologue, ending with Chapter 22(?) in ToB. There's nothing wrong with my journal but whenever I save the game it claims it's Chapter 22 already, even though guide claims it's Chapter 10.
  4. Same thing with days passed whenever I save. Even though my total adventure time goes for over 180 days, whenever I save it is written that I have 48 days in.

Posting it here because I'm playing simultaneously with a friend who runs exactly the same mod roster, save for BGT Worldmap and he does not have any of the issues I have listed there. Would any of these issues be possible to fix manually without reinstalling or starting a new game? With the amount of mods I have it takes eternity to reinstall and it's almost guaranteed somekind of an error would pop on the way. The safest way would be reinstalling the game but that takes another few hours and I am not sure how compatible it would be with my current save.


  • Is "revised travel times planned for EET at some point too? It is really aggravating to spend weeks travelling through Cloakwood.

Attaching screenshots.