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Member Since 24 Apr 2020
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 11:33 PM

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In Topic: Install fault on PnP Undead if PnP fiends not installed

08 June 2024 - 05:16 AM



This is strange as I have already install this component alone... it is now fixed, but I thik it comes from :



//We forcibly reload all PRO variables, because there's a bug in WeiDU 231
COPY_EXISTING missile.ids override
  PATCH_FOR_EACH pro IN rr#spain fl#cnenp fl#sight rr#pyrot rr#fcsng rr#icew rr#vrpo BEGIN
    FOR (i = buff - 1; i >= 0; --i) BEGIN
      READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER buff i 1 label
      PATCH_IF "%label%" STRING_EQUAL_CASE "%pro%" BEGIN
        READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER buff i 0 real_value
        SET EVAL "%pro%" = real_value
        i = "-1"



I'll check when I can. In the meantime, the code has been updated.


Thank you

In Topic: Misc. fixes

25 May 2024 - 01:07 PM

Thanks and I will, but FWIW, this version is not up-to-date with last fix from Miloch.


Won't it be a easier to have an official support on SHS Git ?

In Topic: Infinity Sounds v2

24 May 2024 - 05:18 AM

That's great! Congratulations on the release.

In Topic: Misc. fixes

22 May 2024 - 09:12 PM

Wooooo, it is nearly a 2 years old msg... Glad to see you.

RL take much of my Time those days, but I could send you the an updated version (with those fixes and maybe some other), if you want.

In Topic: NTotSC for EET (and BGT and BG:EE) - Bugthread

21 May 2024 - 12:47 PM



This is not a bug, more a comment.

I was just wandering around when I bumped into the sisters. I disturbed them a bit too much and they summoned a demon. It was a nice fight against them, but a bit too punishing: they cast Death Spell, so they kill all PC/NPCs that are multi/dual class, because Death Spell kills all creatures with less than 8DV without a saving throw and in BG1 you can't be that level when multi/dual.

Perhaps casting Chaos spell could be a little less expedient...

In any case, thank you for maintaining this mod