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Member Since 21 Mar 2005
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In Topic: v9 PRC testing results...not good news :(

23 March 2005 - 02:18 PM

yaaaay :D
it worx!!
i rebuilt the database
and now is about 5 minutes on prc char creation
but....i made a drow rougue and got destination invalid on re-entrance to the world and get ported to sundalee when i talk to server guide...with all the disadvantages a drow has above ground....its a long way home :whistling: :unsure:

In Topic: v9 Installation Guide

23 March 2005 - 12:09 PM

thanx v much :D

In Topic: v9 PRC testing results...not good news :(

23 March 2005 - 12:00 PM

yus i have the same problem... :(

In Topic: v9 getting booted probs

23 March 2005 - 11:48 AM

also it only takes that long to build characters at first, but the more characters and races are built the quicker this becomes. Also horred has posted his database file. If you use this file to build your tables then this will take a HUGE chunk out of this process.

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i have already used horreds sql file and it all imported fine with no errors and made the tables but it made no difference , it still took an age in the builder mod and the main mod no longer appeared under gamespy listings, i rechecked all the nwnplayer ini settings, rebuilt the database with horreds file,.the problem is with my os i thinx its messed up somewhere, almost finished emptying the drive for format...need coffee  :P

In Topic: v9 getting booted probs

23 March 2005 - 10:39 AM

phew..you had me worried there lol ...i figure my system is just a bit clogged up..it gets used....a lot! :wacko: