Seems to be going fine at the moment, I´ve gone through the portal to meet Gabriel for first time. I´ve returned, completed the three gems and got the armour. I guess now its just a case of following through the quest.
Just reading through the scripts, the last of the conversations was the Spellhold failed conversation
////////Spellhold plot failed
IF ~!AreaCheck("AR1512") Global("YvetteSpellhold","GLOBAL",2) !Global("YvetteRomanceActive","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN BEGIN YvFaiedx00
SAY @748 /* No, I've got to go back. It's still calling me. It's... */
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("YvetteRomanceActive","GLOBAL",3) LeaveParty() EscapeArea()~ EXIT
But, I dont recognise any of the other Speelhold scripts.
I´ve got some saves from prior to entering Spellhold so might just run through again