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Member Since 26 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2018 02:32 PM

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Updating the fixpack (for end users)

22 January 2018 - 10:53 AM

The current directly downloadable version of the BWP fixpack here at SHS is v17.7 from September/October 2017. The Github repository for the fixpack has been updated since then a number of times (with some very important fixes recently, such as Bartimaeus for 1pp, from his G3 Item Revisions Revised mod).


Since there are signs that Leonardo Watson is not actively engaged right now, and therefore not updating the downloadable version here, how can an end user use the Master downloadable version from the repository to update the out-of-date "official" downloadable one? The "master" Github zip does not have a single install batch file, but a number of tp2 files and other different batch files in the root directory, so it is obviously not as simple as just copying/overwriting the component folders...


To the fixpack maintainers: is it not possible to consistently make a "release" version in the repository that includes the latest fixes, independently of Leonardo Watson's releases in SHS downloads, as a download usable by end users? Having good fixes committed there that are never distributed in an "official" release version isn't terribly helpful for the rest of us... :/