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Member Since 28 May 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 13 2017 11:32 PM

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In Topic: The Portable Hole

08 June 2017 - 07:17 AM

Thank You so much for helping me. ^^

From my pov the desc. kinda lacks in cause-effect logic anyway, but I'm just lil' polish girl, so :D

Still, if I said a, then I'll say b as well and post my translation... :P

Polish Translation:Attached File  setup-portablehole.tra   579bytes   290 downloads

In Topic: The Portable Hole

06 June 2017 - 01:38 AM

Hi, so I wanted to translate it into polish, but it appears I'm not acquainted enough with english, still, as I just can't figure out this sentence:
"This hole can be picked up from inside or out by simply taking hold of the edges of the cloth and folding it up."
Like, I have at least 6 versions of this sentence and none seems logical to me.
Plz halp? :P
Is this sentence about using the hole to hide something inside or take it out? Or is it about folding it? Or is it about HOW to fold it? Or is it about you being able to go inside the hole and close it then? Like, ._. I'm lost.