In Neeras voice: "half-drow !" :-)
Perhaps because she sees that the PC has the potential to re-acquire spiders bane and is a dangerous foe on top
(while the common folk are not) ? She is certainly not a "good" character, but that does not mean suicidal. I hate that
in the original game the only thing you can do is kill her. Without any context or explanation why she is there in the
graveyard and does what she does. Spiders are of course typically drow, but breeding them under a human city ?
That is interesting and uncommon, Pai'Na is not your typical trash mob ? A missed story and the change fits in my
opinion. There are enough obvious dangling plot hooks left (rune, mind flayers) which cannot be "solved" by a small
I would agree this is still a bit weak an argument as the original game does not give you any real clue. You probably
really have to check the cre file and then have to retcon something.
Surely a matter of taste. I think this thread is a nice read and thank you for it.