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Member Since 06 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 13 2005 05:36 AM

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In Topic: Persistence Question

31 May 2005 - 02:59 AM

Here's the deal...

Persisent locations are used. Whenever I start one of my old pc's on my own server, they go to where they last left off (as in, after total reboot). On other's server, I sometimes do, but most of the time start back in the gateway. Why? I have no clue why it works flawlessly on mine and not on others' servers. And until I can figure out why, I can't do anything about it.

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Fair enough. Is this something I can poke at myself (and probably break ha ha). Where would I look? Can you point me at the relevant scripts/widgets/whatever?

Thanks in advance...

In Topic: Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion

31 May 2005 - 02:56 AM

One of our wizards has a problem with this spell:

Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
You conjure up an extradimensional dwelling that has a single entrance where the spell was cast. The entrance transports you and your entire party to the extradimensional dwelling, those not in your party may not enter. The dwelling and clean and well lit, and provides a place of rest. Whenever anyone leaves the dwelling you are all transported back to the spot where the door was cast. The dwelling lasts until it is used, the door disappears when you exit the dwelling.

The mentioned transport is not working - the wizard and his companions are caught in the extradimensional dwelling, because of the missing exit. :ph34r:

Does somebody have a solution @ the mod or do i have to ask the creators of the PRC?

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Dont know if its different than a wiz casting the spell or not, but I went in as a DM, spawned a scroll of the MMM spell, used it, and it worked fine.

In Topic: The Begging Noob

30 May 2005 - 03:43 PM

Just *had* to chime in here....DUDE CALM DOWN.  I came to this mod a while back with ZERO experience beyond making a couple lame mods myself using the toolset and wanting more.  No db experience or experience with ANY of the apps/widgets/tools used in this mod.  People will help you if you dont come out swinging and *expecting* someone to go out of their way for you while you tell them to kiss your ass.

Having said that, I feel your pain as I was (still am) a noob to this and have learned a couple things.  I'll give you some advice, take it or leave it.

Take the readme file in the download package and read it a couple times.  TRY a clean install.  Go grab all the packages that are documented there and put them in a common folder, then install them/extract them one by one according to Horred's instructions.

If you dont understand how to setup MySQL or any other pieces, see this install guide one of the others here posted (link below).  Some of it may not be 100% up to date, but much of the confusing stuff explained in the various links there is 100% accurate.  

http://arcanummagika.us/NWN/start.html  <--- if there's a better how-to link or one more up to date, maybe someone can provide it.

Make sure you grab the versions of all the pieces needed from the links in the README as they are the most recent.  

Afterwards, pay attention to the instructions from the link above, they work fine:

Part 1: setting up mysql - there are notes at the bottom of the page that you have to do after installing mysql.
Part 2: follow instructions if you want to run the standalone server app.  If you want to just use the server app that came w/NWN, only pay attention to editing the INI file documented there.  I use the server app that came w/NWN.
Part 3 - 7: follow instructions
Part 8: IGNORE - FF isnt used in v11
Part 9 - 10: follow instructions

See http://www.shsforums...showtopic=14476 for instructions on how to import Horred's sql data to eliminate slowness in character building and creation of db tables.

Test it yourself as a player.  If something blows up in your face, go back to the beginning and double/triple/quadruple check that you've followed all instructions to the letter.  Remember you can ignore alot of the verbage in the existing howto's and readme about upgrading if you start clean.

Uninstall what you've done (not the game, just the mods/pieces) and start again.

Recently after a computer crash, I came back to this clean, and following those instructions was up and running in about 90 mins, and that included testing.

If you have questions, post them here in a polite way and someone will answer them.

Good luck.


In Topic: Persistence Question

30 May 2005 - 03:19 PM

tap-tap-tap...this thing on?  Anyone? Bueller?  Bueller?


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no noone has an error the only way that a characters location survives a server / reboot/ restart/ crash is if you use persistant location which unless horred has added this (looking thru the mod i didnt find the code for it so im guessing he didnt) you should all start out in the gateway after a reset./reboot/crash unless you were dead then you will start out in the gateway and more than likely go to the "holding area" for dead souls until such a time as you are brought back to life.

now by no means am i an expert on this thing yet... still sifting thru a lot of it but unless horred states otherwise that he added persistant locations starting in the gateway past server reboot, reset, crash etc is completely normal.

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Is this an error or by design? If by design, is there a way to add this in? An add on / script / database call, whatever...?

I thought in prev versions when I tested this, it worked "right"

In Topic: Persistence Question

29 May 2005 - 03:17 PM

tap-tap-tap...this thing on? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
