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Member Since 22 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2017 04:31 PM

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Crash to Desktop After Imoen Levels Up

28 January 2017 - 10:49 PM

Howdy Fellas!


Just thought I would put this out here in case anyone else runs into this issue.


If you are dual-classing Imoen to a mage, and she reaches the level where she gains her thief skills back (i.e. 5 Mage/4 Thief, 6 Mage/5 Thief, etc.) you may encounter an issue after leveling her up. When you try to rest at an inn, or change zones, or load your game  you might get something that looks like this.


This is the message I'm getting in my .err file:


---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------
File: ObjCreature.cpp
Line: 21821
Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?
The line number will be different depending on your installation, but the error should be the same. The solution I found was to remove all of Imoen's Mage-Only gear (robes, wands, etc), level her up and then put all her gear back on. Your best bet is to try and find a save before you level her up because once it's been done your game is borked.
Don't know what causes it, but maybe you smart folks can figure it out.
EDIT: Updated to add relevant information
This is a BGT install and the Weidu log is as follows