Hey Spellhold Studios!
I thought I give it a try and ask help for scripting since I have one thing I just can't figure out.
I have run to a bit of a snafu in my BG:EE modding since I am not that familiar with weidu scripting. Basic scripting is rather easy, but these two go a little bit over my head. I need to move existing areas a bit (AR4400 and AR4300). However, in this I haven't gotten very far in. This one goes way over my head and I am not even sure what I should do with this one
PHP_EACH AB_AR4300 AS int => fx_off BEGIN
READ_SHORT fx_off fx_type
PATCH_IF fx_type = 35 BEGIN
READ_LONG 0x28 amountx
READ_LONG 0x2c amounty
WRITE_LONG 0x28 (%amountx% + 100)
WRITE_LONG 0x2c (%amounty% + 100)
Any suggestions are welcome, even if they have nothing to do with the scripts above Hopefully someone here can tell me how to actually do that