Hi i am the maintainer (coder) of the Imoen Romance Mod.
Tashia has a conflict with the Imoen Romance mod.
I tracked down the issue, the modification of finsol01 state 28 is the problem.
In the tashi25j. there is this line of code.
Tashia Code
SAY @39
IF ~Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN tashi25j rom1
IF ~!Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN FINSOL01 TashiaAdd1
this replaces the Vanilla dialogue state in the retail code.
Retail Code
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 28 // from: 27.0
SAY #67885 /* ~The time has come to make your choice, Bhaalspawn. What is your wish?~ [SOLAR102] */
IF ~GlobalLT("PPEvilChoices","GLOBAL",2)
~ THEN REPLY #68063 /* ~I will retain the essence of Bhaal that is my right and become a power of the planes.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("PlayerChoseEssence","GLOBAL",1)
~ GOTO 31
IF ~GlobalGT("PPEvilChoices","GLOBAL",1)
~ THEN REPLY #68064 /* ~I will retain the essence of Bhaal that is my right and become a power of the planes.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("PlayerChoseEssence","GLOBAL",1)
~ GOTO 30
IF ~GlobalGT("PPEvilChoices","GLOBAL",3)
~ THEN REPLY #68065 /* ~I will retain the essence of Bhaal that is my right and become a power of the planes.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("PlayerChoseEssence","GLOBAL",1)
~ GOTO 29
IF ~~ THEN REPLY #68066 /* ~I do not want the essence of Bhaal. Do what you will with it... I want to remain mortal.~ */ GOTO 32
As you can see the transitions have been removed so there is only 2 instead of 4.
So any mod that tries to modify the original transitions will cause an error.