I was advised to make the Imoen Romance.zip only contain the weidu.exe installer and the ImoenRomance folder.
So i have done that.
29 January 2016 - 12:27 AM
I was advised to make the Imoen Romance.zip only contain the weidu.exe installer and the ImoenRomance folder.
So i have done that.
12 January 2016 - 02:01 AM
Apologies accidentally made the Imoen Romance a .rar file, put it back as zip.
04 January 2016 - 11:36 PM
Hi, for the imoen romance mod we have made changes so that there is no conflict with the Tashia Mod.
We were asked to have a persistant link to the latest mod version without version designation.
01 January 2016 - 02:28 PM
Hello i am the coder for the Imoen Romance mod.
Thank you very much zonx for narrowing down the mod in conflict.
I have posted the issue on the Tashia forum section of the actual dialogue change problem.
I am not sure how big world setup and other mods work and who maintains what so i will just quote my reply here
Tashia has a conflict with the Imoen Romance mod.
I tracked down the issue, the modification of finsol01 state 28 is the problem.
In the tashi25j. there is this line of code.
Tashia Code
REPLACE FINSOL01IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 28SAY @39IF ~Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN tashi25j rom1IF ~!Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN FINSOL01 TashiaAdd1ENDENDthis replaces the Vanilla dialogue state in the retail code.Retail CodeIF ~~ THEN BEGIN 28 // from: 27.0SAY #67885 /* ~The time has come to make your choice, Bhaalspawn. What is your wish?~ [SOLAR102] */IF ~GlobalLT("PPEvilChoices","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN REPLY #68063 /* ~I will retain the essence of Bhaal that is my right and become a power of the planes.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("PlayerChoseEssence","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO 31IF ~GlobalGT("PPEvilChoices","GLOBAL",1)GlobalLT("PPEvilChoices","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN REPLY #68064 /* ~I will retain the essence of Bhaal that is my right and become a power of the planes.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("PlayerChoseEssence","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO 30IF ~GlobalGT("PPEvilChoices","GLOBAL",3)GlobalLT("PPEvilChoices","GLOBAL",6)~ THEN REPLY #68065 /* ~I will retain the essence of Bhaal that is my right and become a power of the planes.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("PlayerChoseEssence","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO 29IF ~~ THEN REPLY #68066 /* ~I do not want the essence of Bhaal. Do what you will with it... I want to remain mortal.~ */ GOTO 32ENDAs you can see the transitions have been removed so there is only 2 instead of 4.So any mod that tries to modify the original transitions will cause an error.
A quick and dirty solution to at least get past the install problem is to install Imoen Romance BEFORE Tashia, although that does mean the Tashia ending will completely replace (or remove) the Imoen Romance end solar talks and epilogues and Imoen will just get her vanilla ones.
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