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Member Since 19 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2025 04:58 AM

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In Topic: Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE

13 January 2025 - 06:48 AM

Greetings, all!

Last month, I updated Kit Tomes to include EET compatibility, fix minor typos in dialog, and remove all mentions of this mod being TuTu compatible because it isn't.  Note that this is my first mod I've taken from another and fully updated to EET compatibility to my understanding, and I found no errors on BG 2.6 and EET 13.4 in my testing.

Download Here

The changes were to the .TP2 file, the CPMVARS file, and the dialog files.  I'm unsure if the author (smeagolheart) is a native English speaker, but I am and I made clarity edits.  Beyond adding EET compatibility, no mechanics were changed in this update.

Tsk, tsk, no luck with this mod. Endarire, your update refuses to install  on BG:SoD, there are warnings and errors and installation fails altogether. I will check the old version, maybe I will finally be able to install this mod somehow. 

 I will check the old version, maybe I will finally be able to install this mod somehow. 

Yeah, right. Stuff it all...
What the hell... so it seems that falteri.baf file which prevented Kit tomes to install was coming from Ishlika mod, 41 mods before Kit tomes. Uninstalling it solved the problem and Kit tomes installed normally ( albeit that 12 dialogues took forever to compile). My goodness... and my sincere apologies to anyone who got offended in the slightest by my angry tirades.

In Topic: BP-BGT-Worldmap v13.0.0 Released!

15 April 2024 - 09:48 AM

I also recommend using work-in-progress master-branch version of Drizzt Saga from BWL GitHub profile: https://github.com/B...air/Drizzt-Saga

There are implemented a bunch of fixes right now and more are on a todo list. This version is updated to be compatible with the latest BP-BGT-Worldmap modification as well.

Just saw that github couple of days ago and wondered about current state of DS master and if it is stable enough. I'm so glad that I will not have to fix inaccurate weapon proficiencies manually anymore ( yes Catti-brie, you and Drizzt both  :P ). Thanks a lot! 

In Topic: BP-BGT-Worldmap v13.0.0 Released!

14 April 2024 - 07:53 AM

Versions History
Version 13.1.0 (24 March 2024)
  • Worldmap canvas image translated to Simplified Chinese, by Jiaozi
  • Removed incorrect and outdated area links for Drizzt Saga modification.

Since I intend to play Drizzt saga and install Worldmap at the end I would appreciate little clarification here. Is it better now to install default areas connected by travel triggers or BP-BGT Worldmap version: all areas added to worldmap is still valid for Drizzt saga? Game is BG:SoD ( not EET ). 

In Topic: BWP 20 setup questions

26 March 2024 - 02:14 PM

*sigh*... Can't have Edwin and Minsc in my party with the current mods. Edwin leaves right away when I remove him from the group. I thought I could do that, let Dynaheir join the party and let her die a not so accidental death alone against the next group of monsters.

If I remember correctly (though this is decades ago) even Vanilla offered a possibility to have all three in the team but eventually coming to blows.

Removing Minsc first only allows me to kill Dynaheir (making Minsc go hostile) or losing both mages through the dialog options.

Does anyone remember if I missed out on some mod? I could theoretically go without Minsc, but... no, actually I can't  :lol:

You could save Dynaheir with Minsc without ever talking to Edwin. Then with these two in your party he will offer to join you in order to monitor " devious witch"  :P when you talk with him for the first time, after Dynaheir's rescue. From then on you can mix them however you like, without killing anybody. Not sure if they won't go for each others throats at some point though.