Member Since 24 Oct 2015Offline Last Active Feb 06 2017 03:38 PM
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Topics I've Started
Haer'Dalis' Swords
01 December 2016 - 08:15 PM
Isaya's patched version
20 November 2016 - 07:30 PM
Isaya posted a patched version of this mod here: http://www.shsforums...ility/?p=567986
Noting it here for consideration in future releases and because I had a hard time finding his post and it might be of interest to others.
Isaya's patched version
20 November 2016 - 07:27 PM
Isaya posted a patched version of this mod here: http://www.shsforums...ility/?p=567986
Noting it here for consideration in future releases and because I had a hard time finding his post and it might be of interest to others.
Isaya's patched version
20 November 2016 - 07:18 PM
Isaya posted a patched version of this mod here: http://www.shsforums...ility/?p=567986
Noting it here for consideration in future releases and because I had a hard time finding his post and it might be of interest to others.
Isaya's patched version
20 November 2016 - 07:17 PM
Isaya posted a patched version of this mod here: http://www.shsforums...ility/?p=567986
Noting it here for consideration in future releases and because I had a hard time finding his post and it might be of interest to others.
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