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Member Since 03 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Dec 29 2020 07:22 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Cernd Friendship now available

21 December 2020 - 07:11 AM

I wonder if you'd considered make little remake for in game romances so same gender protagonists could enjoy romances without being adressed via lady (Anomen) and there could be minor changes for ladies as well? I'm not sure if it's allowed to make such changes with in game dialogues so it's only opened suggestion I am super happy to see new friendhips ♥ 

In Topic: Minsc Friendship available!

26 June 2020 - 01:21 PM

it's so great to see new mods, lately I've been craving anything new and you brought both Minsc and Korgan- my fav characters, thank you! love Petsy most from your NPC mods yet my char cannot romance her as she's racist I hope you will make some addon to her opening option at least for humans as well ;) I hope to see more of new stuff made by you! thank you once again! ♥