I was asked to create a thread about this problem:
Imoen and Breagar stop moving all the time and keep looking at each other as if they want to initiate a dialog.
I used LStest and this message keeps repeating: "Block 48 of ACBRE.BCS"
block 48 of ACBRE.BCS PlaySong(115) ActionOverride("imoen2",StartDialogueNoSet("ACBRE")) END IF GlobalGT("CHAPTER","GLOBAL",1) InParty(Myself) InParty("imoen2") OR(2) Global("ACBreImmyActive","GLOBAL",0) Global("ACBreImmyActive","GLOBAL",2) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride(Player1,DisplayString(Myself,152002)) // Running
Since my knowledge about modding is zero I would appreaciate it if anyone could help me find the solution.