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Member Since 02 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2005 04:34 PM

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In Topic: Rounding up version 10

07 April 2005 - 07:27 PM

Great news. I can finally give my Tom Petty CD a rest soon.

In Topic: Factions auto-re-adjust

27 March 2005 - 07:31 AM

I tell ya Horred, you get that faction thing worked out, and this mod would be perfect. It's almost there! I can feel it!

One thing though with the method your using to keep the merchants alive, I've noticed sometimes they will attack each other if one is attacking a player and they use an AoE spell that hits another NPC, then that NPC will jump into the fray attacking the other NPC.

If they are plot, they will fight forever, or until a server re-boot. See, I ran a Nordock server for about a year when it was first released, and Lord knows I tried to get these factions working together. And always had that problem. That's why I asked about something to reset factions over a period of time.

It's like playing chess and trying to count 10 moves ahead and think of all the things that can happen. I know it's not easy.

In Topic: Factions auto-re-adjust

27 March 2005 - 06:30 AM

Another thing, wandering monsters in Nexus plane.

A player had a pack of cougars spawn on him in the Nexus Plane. I put a guard in there on defender faction, and buffed the hell out of him.

Something to think about adding to a future build.

In Topic: Factions auto-re-adjust

27 March 2005 - 03:44 AM

Don't know the name exactly, but it is the zone out North (I think) of Benzor I think, the one with the travellers warning sign in the middle of the "road" just before you zone out.

Or it could be the one near the tradeskill and temple places.

And the NPC's killed are some quest NPC's...the rat catcher guy, the player vendor, and pretty much every one in that market circle and surrounding carts.

In Topic: v9 PRC testing results...not good news :(

25 March 2005 - 06:57 AM

I'm running it on a crap machine, 1.3 ghz P4, 512megs, and after importing Horred's SQL, and making a few characters myself, creation now only takes my players a few minutes, literally.

Just thought I'd throw that out there, I know it don't help you.