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Member Since 28 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2015 07:34 AM

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Assertion Failed ObjCreature

05 June 2015 - 07:30 AM

Hello everyone ! I saw this kind of error is actually common, but still i couldn't find how to fix it...
In a BGT install, my game crashes in the Second Part of Irenicus Dungeon, near the forge and the Doppleganger's place, and I have the error message "An Assertion failed in ObjCreature.cpp at line number 12162.


I previously ran Area CRE Checker from Miloch and found that one creature [dsthief (Shadow Thief)] was created, purged BUT didn't appear as "Dead".
I know this is not your job, but if you could guide me on the way to debug the thing (apparently reinstalling does not erase the problem), that would be awesome from you ! :D
Here is the ToBEx.log










Do you guys need myTobExCore.ini and TobExTweak.ini files ?