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Member Since 11 Mar 2015
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ascension demogorgon not working

11 March 2015 - 02:04 AM

First of all thanks for all the great mod work. Always cool to see people spend a lot of time to improve other peoples gaming experience.

Second, i got a minor problem with demogorgon from the ascension part of BP. It dont seem to do him any good. He does just start with a few spell protection and a pfmw. He don't cast any time stop, and only summon a few demons, which is not how i remember ascension. So any idea whats wrong? Have i installed it in the right order, or is there some small part of the mod i should have installed or is it problems with scs?

Im still in chapter 6 soa so i don't know if the other parts of ascension is working.


My current mods are (and installed in this order): BP, in installed core compenent and the ascension part, scs2 pretty much the whole mod, tweak pack, mainly to try all the strongholds


Thanks for the help