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Ser Elryk

Member Since 19 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2018 11:49 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BWPv17

01 October 2017 - 03:50 PM

Question from a neutral party: as of now changes in BWPv17 ruined installation for those who try to install EET with BWS. Workaround is quite cumbersome and not very simple for non-modders. https://forums.beamd...for-windows/p22


Can EE users hope, that  you - Leonardo Watson, would be so kind to consider them in regards of installation and somehow fix the problem? Or this is the question to EET team now?


Yes. This. Pleeease...

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

29 September 2017 - 04:18 PM

Since the new BWP 17 is out, its Textpack and its Fixpack force the user to start the BiG World Install.bat if it is found in the same directory.

Since the BWS uses the Smoothpack, it unpacks the Installpack.

So to stop the Textpack from complaining, you'd have to rename the BiG World Install.bat to something else.


I tried to do an install yesterday and this issue stopped me. Hopefully it'll be fixed/adjusted soon.

In Topic: VC and NeJ3 - final releases

29 July 2017 - 06:36 AM

Is there any possibility of NEJ3 and VC becoming EET-compatible? I *think* I remember reading about NEJ having something to do with Icewind Dale, so I don't know if it would conflict with IWD-in-EET or not when it's released. But if it's possible, I'd love to have the chance to check out NEJ3 and Tortured Souls =)

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

23 January 2017 - 07:22 PM

Okay, having two more issues with my EET via BWS install (hopefully actual bugs this time lol).


1: The "NPCs go to inns" component of SCS was selected and installed successfully, but it doesn't seem to be functioning in-game (tried with both Kivan and Imoen).


2: Upon meeting Viconia (in BGEE) the Flaming Fist officer pursuing her never spawns. She just says "Thank you for helping" and then nothing happens. EDIT: the "Move NPCs to more convenient locations" component of SCS was also installed, if it makes any difference.


attachicon.gifBiG World Debug.7z

I'm not sure if that SCS component is EET compatible.  Perhaps use BG1NPC component 16 instead?


Where did you encounter Viconia?


Area south of Beregost.

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

22 January 2017 - 06:46 AM

Okay, having two more issues with my EET via BWS install (hopefully actual bugs this time lol).


1: The "NPCs go to inns" component of SCS was selected and installed successfully, but it doesn't seem to be functioning in-game (tried with both Kivan and Imoen).


2: Upon meeting Viconia (in BGEE) the Flaming Fist officer pursuing her never spawns. She just says "Thank you for helping" and then nothing happens. EDIT: the "Move NPCs to more convenient locations" component of SCS was also installed, if it makes any difference.


Attached File  BiG World Debug.7z   357.32K   532 downloads