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Member Since 25 Feb 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2005 03:23 PM

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In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

08 June 2005 - 10:15 AM

I did not import any erf files as i read that was just to update your previous mod to the latest version.

No, not my mod, richterm and others then horred, they get all the credit and/or blame :) Many here have helped me to get this beast running so I try to help others when I can.

I asked if you impoerted an erf file because I dont think you have the right inc_letoscript.nss file.

inc_letoscript in Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued.mod v11:
#include "inc_debug"
//constants defining directories
//must be changed to each install
const string NWN_DIR = "C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN/";
const string MOD_DIR = "modules/Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued";
const string DB_NAME = "NWN";
const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto";
const string WP_LIMBO = "";

//Script Types
//taken from the build03.18 release notes
SCRIPT, taking a LetoScript script as a parameter. Example:

void main()
    SendMessageToAllDMs("Firing LetoScript test...");

    string LetoTest;
    SetLocalString(GetModule(), "NWNX!LETO!SCRIPT", "<file:open BOB 'g:/nwn/localvault/bob.bic'><FirstName> <LastName>");
    LetoTest = GetLocalString(GetModule(), "NWNX!LETO!SCRIPT");

    SendMessageToAllDMs("Result: #" + LetoTest + "#");

Your inc_letoscript:
#include "aps_include"
//constants defining directories
//must be changed to each install
//alternativly it will use a local string on the module named NWN_DIR if set
//in preference to the constant
const string NWN_DIR = "E:/program files/NWN/";
const string MOD_DIR = "E:/program files/nwn/modules/";
const string DB_NAME = "NWNXLeto";
const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto";
const string WP_LIMBO = "";

//set this to true if using build 18 or earlier of letoscript.dll


object oPC = GetExitingObject();


As you can see from just the first line #include "inc_debug" vs #include "aps_include" and others they are not the same file. Something is buggered here!

In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

07 June 2005 - 09:53 PM

Just say my nwn game was installed on

E:\program files\nwn\

could anyone give me an example of what my inc_letto script should look like?

i would really appreciate it, i think this is where my problem is.

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I think this is where your problem is too, did you import an erf file from NWNXLeto? If you did you might have to start over as I don't know what else might have been over written. The inc_letto script should start like this:

#include "inc_debug"
//constants defining directories
//must be changed to each install
const string NWN_DIR = "C:/nws1/";
const string MOD_DIR = "modules/Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued";
const string DB_NAME = "NWN";
const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto";
const string WP_LIMBO = "";

//Script Types
//taken from the build03.18 release notes

If the NWNXLeto is not working and you start a new charector the PRC Character Creator wont start and then new charectors cant leave the entrance :(

Good Luck

In Topic: The Begging Noob

30 May 2005 - 02:08 PM

Maybe you and your kids should play online where someone has allready done the hard work of setting up this module. It is NOT noob friendly.
Maybe no one can help you cus it will just sound like "Bwah Bwah-bwah Bwah Bwah Bwah"
Maybe all the smart people are on holiday.
Maybe they dont like being told to kiss your ass!
Maybe you could read the direction again, they worked fine for me.
Maybe this will help, maybe not I dont realy care.

Every F'ing one thinks that I can adjust "inc_Letoscript.nss", when according to my comp

inc_Letoscript.nss is one of the many scripts included in the module, You have to open the module in the toolset to edit it, then compile all the scripts in the module. If you cant do this give up now.

So, have it working, running on SQlite through the NWNX2. I have not clue one about the database, and I've experienced no long wait times for either new or imported characters.

The directions I read said to install mysql, it wont work with SQlite, maybe thats why your mysql console dont work, if you cant deal with mysql command line stuff try  MySQL Control Center.

A. Went to import "functions_include.erf" to the module for NWNX2 functions, but the toolset says it cannot import files with over sixteen characters in the name. SO, I changed it to, "functionsinclude.erf". Could this be causing the below problems, and how do I remedy?

Thats not in the directions its to add NWNX2 to a module, its allready done, you dont need to import anything.

1. Buy a canteen, go to well, use. Message, "You filled the canteen". Proceed to attempt to use the canteen; message, "The canteen is empty,...." etc. No water = No rest = very frustrating first outing into Nordock.

Can not help you here as I turned this off for my server, but its probably datasbase related.

2. NPC's aren't as chatty as they should be? Guards, Elf Citizens, etc. No one has anything to say. Not even an, "I'm busy, sod off". Is that normal?

Thats normal.

3. A whole lot of, "You may not rest at this time". But whether its due to area, or the lack of water is beyond me.

I turned most of this off too, next someone will want to add "You did not take your crap today so you are constipated attack decreased until you find a john somewhere" I like realism but not when it gets in the way of having fun. I think only in the city areas you are rest restricted but you can rest in the inn's if you buy a key or go out side of the city and risk getting jumped.

good luck, and may the force be with you

In Topic: Death Penalties

26 May 2005 - 05:23 PM

Thought I had it.  Changed jm_respawnsystem line 276 to read:

ireturn = 50 * nHD;

No matter what I change, it always seems to take 2% of my XP, and it never takes any of my gold, even though I have RS_GOLDLOSS_PERCENT set to 10.00

This script won't even compile?  I uncommented the void main() {} at the bottom so it would.


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It is a include file, and will not compile. For changes to take effect you have to compile all the scrips that include it, same with hc_defaults for your resting question. You do NOT need to do a full build, takes way too long. In build, build module, make sure just compile scripts is checked then click build.  Oh and recomment void main stuff.

In Topic: Any ETA on version 11?

04 May 2005 - 08:24 AM

gee....... dont i feal like an idiot  :D I know it is running smooth on our server, and the forums have been quiet with problems, so im still sticking with "its close"

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Having problems with the "new, imporved" Vault system. Tried to update this morning, but the file was "too large" (by no more than 1 MB). Hopefully it'll get worked out in the next day or 2, cause I have an empty mod download at this time! :o

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Well I should know better, any time I ask when something will be done I curse it :(

If it is actually to big, you could use the PRC Compiler

After Compiling with it version 10 was 1.7MB smaller
