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Member Since 26 Nov 2014
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In Topic: Trouble with Player Initiated Dialogue

29 November 2014 - 11:05 AM

Maethor, fortunately, is scripted to only romance good-aligned npcs, so I don't have to worry about what evil-aligned player characters might think. She's a paladin, so all she would be doing in an evil-aligned party is front-line melee fighting... But I  understand the point. I'll try to cut back on describing the player's emotions.  My background as a writer actually makes this a little harder... :-)


I'm really sorry that you're having to repeat yourself. I'm not trying to be resistant. It takes me awhile to understand exactly what you're getting at. But I am slowly making the needed corrections. I'll move the triggers as you recommend.


"I can only advise to make a running install as soon as possible and debug your dialogues one after the other. Firstly it is really cool to see your own content in the game, and secondly you won't be faced with 50+ syntax errors on your first test install (I am talking out of experience).."


My first test install had dozens...literally dozens...of syntax and parsing errors. I've been doing running tests for a couple of weeks now to correct various problems. 

In Topic: Trouble with Player Initiated Dialogue

28 November 2014 - 05:29 PM

After some tweaking, PID now working! Yay!


I have the trigger variable set where it is primarily because it's a long distance (29 states) from the opening of the dialogue. I did add a global checking to see whether the globalGT was equal to that talk (making it a more "unique key" as you suggested...). 


Your examples are really cool... I'll have to consider how to tweak my dialogue to similarly take the trigger out of the internal dialogues...




There's an amusing sidenote to this, though... The dialogue I quote above is one of two. One is scripted for a female Maethor and one for a male Maethor (Maethor starts off female, but using the belt of gender on her makes her use alternative friend and love talks.)

In Topic: Trouble with Player Initiated Dialogue

28 November 2014 - 11:34 AM

"I am not a real fan of using CHAIN all along, btw, as it messes with the install order (using CHAIN it is not clear that a script block in your .d will really be below another in the compiled dlg). (Also, it is considered bad style by the older modders but that shouldn't prevent you from using it.  :) )"


I usually don't use CHAIN... TIMaethJ is mostly traditional scripting. CHAIN appears only during dialogues that have extended descriptive sequences or have other characters talking in them--situations where the player character has no responses... 

In Topic: Trouble with Player Initiated Dialogue

28 November 2014 - 11:10 AM

Bless you for being so patient with me!! I'm a noobie scripter, so I'm struggling a bit with the words to describe the problems and understand.


I have the gender dialogue trigger in the middle state purely for style reasons; Maethor acts differently depending on gender. Maethor as a male punches a male player character. He wouldn't punch a female player. I *can* just edit it to a single response, but I'm trying to figure out how I can make the trigger unique so that I can keep the variable responses without, say, having two completely separate dialogues for male or female players. :-) 


Concerning the ~!ActuallyInCombat()~... I'll try that, although it hadn't occurred to me that someone would try force-talking while in combat... as a player, I've been more concerned in combat about not getting the stuffing knocked out of me! :-)

In Topic: Trouble with Player Initiated Dialogue

27 November 2014 - 09:22 PM

Makes a lot of sense. I've made the necessary changes. So now the PID doesn't call LoveTalk 1. NOW it calls a random piece from TIMaethJ:


Any ideas on why this got called instead of my PID scripting? The check for the player character's gender does come up as true, but I use that same check elsewhere without it showing up during force-talking...:
The PID script does come last in the TIMaethJ file.