I used Horreds .sql file to make my tables and it now takes me 5 minutes to make a character.
That's the same SQL export I'm using too.
22 March 2005 - 01:53 PM
There is a utility that creates PNG type images out of all the maps in a module. Might speed your process up if you find and use it first. Sorry, can't remember what it's called, found it googling.
ancientgraveyard: Kabu - Ancient Graveyard anthillbearcave: Sands of Solaria - Cave of Ursa anthillsidecave: Sands of Solaria - Construction Zone area001: Benzor Tradeskills Workshop Level 2 area002: Trommel Mine Entrance area003: South Brosna area004: Miner's Rest
22 March 2005 - 11:38 AM
21 March 2005 - 11:36 AM
21 March 2005 - 11:22 AM
<html> <head> <title>Server Name Here</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .r { color: #ff0000; } .b { color: #0000ff; } .g { color: #009933; } --> </style> </head> <body> <?php //Fill in the server IP in place of the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx //Fill in the server port in place of the nnnn $default_ip = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx"; $default_port = "nnnn"; $timeout = 5; // check for form values $ip = (isset($_GET['ip'])) ? ($_GET['ip']) : $default_ip; $port = (isset($_GET['port'])) ? ($_GET['port']) : $default_port; $connect = fsockopen( "udp://" . $ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout ); if ( ! $connect ) { print( "<h1>Server is down</h1><br>\n" ); print( "<h3>ERROR: $errno - $errstr</h3><br>\n" ); exit; } else { socket_set_timeout( $connect, $timeout ); $send = "\xFE\xFD\x00\xE0\xEB\x2D\x0E\x14\x01\x0B\x01\x05\x08\x0A\x33\x34\x35\x13\x04\x36\x37\x38\x39\x14\x3A\x3B\x3C\x3D\x00\x00"; fwrite( $connect, $send ); $output = fread( $connect, 5000 ); if ( ! $output ) { print ( "<h1>Server is down.<br></h1>\n" ); } else { $lines = explode( "\x00", $output ); //Fill in the server IP in place of the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx //Fill in the server port in place of the nnnn print( "<b><font=arial>Server IP:</b> <b class='b'>xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx</b><b>:</b><b class='b'>nnnn</b></font><br>\n" ); print( "<b>Server Status:</b> <b class='g'>Online</b><br>\n" ); print( "<b>Play Type:</b> <b class='b'>$lines[2]</b><br>\n" ); print( "<b>Game Name:</b> <b class='b'>$lines[3]</b><br>\n" ); print( "<b>Module Name:</b> <b class='b'>$lines[4]</b><br>\n" ); print( "<b>Version Number:</b> <b class='b'>$lines[14]" ); if ( $lines[20] == '1' ) { print( " XP-1" ); } print( "</b><br><br>\n" ); print( "<b>Level Range:</b> <b class='b'>$lines[7]</b><b> - </b><b class='b'>$lines[8]</b><br>\n" ); print( "<b>Player vs. Player:</b> " ); if ( $lines[9] == "NONE" ) { print( "<b class='g'>" ); } elseif ( $lines[9] == "FULL" ) { print( "<b class='r'>" ); } else { print( "<b class='b'>" ); } print( "$lines[9]</b><br>\n" ); print( "<b>Character Vault:</b> " ); if ( $lines[19] == '1' ) { print( "<b class='b'>Local Vault</b><br>\n" ); } else { print( "<b class='b'>Server Vault</b><br>\n" ); } print( "<b>Only One Party:</b> " ); if ( $lines[12] == '1' ) { print( "<b class='g'>enabled</b><br>\n" ); } else { print( "<b class='r'>disabled</b><br>\n" ); } print( "<b>Player Pause:</b> " ); if ( $lines[13] == '1' ) { print( "<b class='g'>enabled</b><br>\n" ); } else { print( "<b class='r'>disabled</b><br>\n" ); } print( "<b>ILR:</b> " ); if ( $lines[18] == '1' ) { print( "<b class='g'>enabled</b><br>\n" ); } else { print( "<b class='r'>disabled</b><br>\n" ); } print( "<b>ELC:</b> " ); if ( $lines[17] == '1' ) { print( "<b class='g'>enabled</b><br>\n" ); } else { print( "<b class='r'>disabled</b><br>\n" ); } print( "<b>Password:</b> " ); if ( $lines[10] == '0' ) { print( "<b class='g'>not required</b><br>\n" ); } else { print( "<b class='r'>required</b><br>\n" ); } print( "<b>Players:</b> <b class='b'>$lines[5]</b><b>/</b><b class='b'>$lines[6]</b><br><br>\n" ); $dlines = explode( "\n", $lines[15] ); print( "<b>Server Description:</b><br>" ); print( "<b>\n" ); foreach ( $dlines as $dline ) { print( "$dline<br>\n" ); } print( "</b>\n" ); } } fclose( $connect ); ?> </body> </html>
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