Hi there guys i have only one Question how i can intsall it in German?
i read that:
To install, reinstall or uninstall the mod, run "BGEE-w_psionics_unleashed.bat". The mod will be installed only for the english language. If you prefer another language open the "BGEE-w_psionics_unleashed.bat" with a text editing program and replace all instances of "en_US" with your language code (ds_CZ, de_DE, es_ES, fr_FR, pl_PL). Save and run the .bat file.
bi i dont have nay file with that name (BGEE-w_psionics_unleashed.bat) only setup-w_psionics_unleashed .
Or i cant find it in which direktory it is ?
Thx a lot a sry for my bad english.
And how powerfull is this Class compared with Sorcerers or Hasardeurs ?