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qeylIS [Kahless]

Member Since 23 Feb 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2009 03:16 AM

Topics I've Started

Server Settings

31 May 2005 - 02:48 AM

Level Range: 1 - 40
Player vs. Player: FULL
Character Vault: Server Vault
Only One Party: disabled
Player Pause: disabled
Item Level Restrictions: enabled
Enforce Legal Characters: disabled
Password: not required
Players: 0 / 20

Taken from Fremen Warriors @ House Atreides URL.

@ our server the Item Level Restrictions were DISABLED - should they be ENABLED? :unsure:

If I remember correctly, they were DISABLED in the classic Nordock too ... :unsure:

Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion

31 May 2005 - 02:26 AM

One of our wizards has a problem with this spell:

Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
You conjure up an extradimensional dwelling that has a single entrance where the spell was cast. The entrance transports you and your entire party to the extradimensional dwelling, those not in your party may not enter. The dwelling and clean and well lit, and provides a place of rest. Whenever anyone leaves the dwelling you are all transported back to the spot where the door was cast. The dwelling lasts until it is used, the door disappears when you exit the dwelling.

The mentioned transport is not working - the wizard and his companions are caught in the extradimensional dwelling, because of the missing exit. :ph34r:

Does somebody have a solution @ the mod or do i have to ask the creators of the PRC?

Dragon Hunt

22 May 2005 - 12:21 AM

One of our heroes @ DDI is not able to find an ancient red dragon heart.

It is needed for crafting an Elemental Pentagram, which is needed by nearly every Craftmaster. :rolleyes:

In past versions of Nordock, it could be found @ Fireplasted pass - but in the actual version (V11) the ancient dragons only drop scales or did we miss something?!?! :crying:


Furthermore one hero is a little bit unsatisfied with the swamp dragons. :ph34r:

Only the swamp dragon @ Benzor drops a heart and the smaller swamp dragons all drop dragon blood only - compared to the other races, where the small dragons drop items.

Kabu, Party Portals & Epic Quest

04 May 2005 - 01:11 AM

One of our players reported the following to me:

On 2005-05-02 12:24, cheolino wrote:
The ship transfer to Kabu does not work.

Sometimes the party portals do not work.

I couldnīt detect the epic quest - any hint?

Any hints or planned fixes @ V11? :rolleyes:

Download of older Versions?

17 March 2005 - 03:29 AM

Does somebody have the possibility to offer the ZIP/RAR of Version 5 or 6?

We still have Problems with the creation of some of the needed DBs @ V7 & 8 and I would like to create the tables with an older version / setting. Unfortunately I do not have the older versions anymore :huh: